Who is Growing on Plants

Hi there, I'm Marie, the recipe creator, writer and photographer behind Growing on Plants. I'm also an animal rights activist. I created this blog out of passion for cooking vegan foods and wanted to share with you my favorite recipes so you can make them yourself in the comfort of your home. I first started sharing plant-based recipes on my Instagram account in summer 2017 but felt like it would be a much better idea to dedicate a whole blog to it so everyone could come here and find something they like.

Every recipes you will come across on this blog is 100% vegan, oil-free, salt-free and refined-sugar free. I removed those from my recipes since my main focus is to keep my recipes healthy so you can feel your best all day long. Instead of oils, I usually use water, I never add salt to my recipes since I don't really feel a need to add any and I usually replace refined-sugar with maple syrup or dates. I'm a smoothie, nice cream and oatmeal fanatic. If I spend one day without drinking a good and delicious smoothie I feel like there's something missing...so be ready because you will probably come across a lot of smoothie pictures and recipes on here. 

Other things I enjoy doing outside the blog:

Vegan activism: Speaking up for the animals is something I do on my spare time. It creates a fire inside me. I mostly do online activism where I talk to people about veganism and guide them during their transition through the lifestyle. I plan on doing street activism very soon!
Meditation and yoga: Taking some time for myself, concentrating my energy into growing a better version of myself is something close to my heart. I'm constantly trying to evolve and grow, be kinder.
Biking: Once the snow starts melting in Canada, biking is one of the first things I do. Biking is a way to move my body and exercise even though I don't enjoy exercising much. Fun fact, I do the groceries with my bike and it's so much fun.

My Vegan Journey. I went vegan in July 2017, right after finishing high school at 17 years old. I straight away jumped into veganism and did it overnight for ethical reasons. (Even though my transition was very quick, I didn't miss animal products one bit and still don't from this day!)  Today, I am still a vegan and it honestly is the best decision I've made. It improved my mental and physical health so much but also my mindset and view on animals and the environment. I also try to live as eco-friendly as I possibly can.
